Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Beyond the hashtag

I’ve been thinking about the #MeToo movement.

I’ve hesitated, because – while yes, me, too – it’s not where I live. It’s one of a multitude of things that make up the fabric of my life (along with somewhat lesser events, like the time I was robbed on a bus, or the time my appendix nearly burst, or the time I tried smoking pot and learned why I really, really shouldn't.)

No single event defines who I am.

I’ve hesitated because while the occasions of violence in my past occurred many years ago, the moment I open my mouth or put fingers to keyboard it becomes news to someone else, now. 

Someone who loves me may find themselves thinking When? What? How?

          Or, “Well, THAT explains things!” (It doesn't)

          Or even, “Could I have stopped it?"

And there! Right there! – that’s why I decided to join in and add my voice to the chorus of “me too”.

Because while you couldn’t have stopped what happened to me many years ago, maybe you can stop something from happening now, to some other girl or boy, woman or man.

Sexual violence isn’t about sex. It’s about dehumanization, subtle or overt. Maybe you can be one more person who consciously chooses to reject dehumanization. 

Maybe you can look at people who cross your path and really see them: not categories, ideologies, experiences or genders, but them.

Maybe you can be part of the evolving change.

And maybe together we can take it beyond a hashtag.


  1. Thanks, Carol. Good perspective. May we be part of what gets us all beyond the hashtag.

  2. Well said, Carol. We all need to speak the truth and live our truth. I believe it often takes a village to break the cycle of abuse (all kinds!). Too much at stake for all of us to remain silent--especially for the next generation of vulnerable children. Thanks for this posting.
