Thursday, August 30, 2012

Extra Dude

To those of you who know me, it will come as no surprise that I am back in the confessional. My sins of late seem to be mainly ones of neglect. I have neglected to blog.  I have neglected to write to my sister. We won’t mention the neglect of my vacuum cleaner or the fact that I haven’t cooked a meal from scratch in well over two months.

It’s not that I ever plan on neglecting things.  It just seems that somewhere in my evolution, a distant ancestor bequeathed to me a specialized masochistic gene.  It is the nature of this malevolent little pest that when my desk is piled with work and my calendar notes are written in space-saving 6-point font, my hand still reaches out for the ringing telephone and my mouth opens all on its own: “Why sure, I’d be happy to translate your rush document on fungus outbreaks decimating the local widget-beetle.”

And there I sit, shaking my head at myself. My brain moans a silent “Why?”  The client’s email (project attached) drops into my inbox with a cheerful “Because”, and I quietly give in to the inevitable overload once more.

Part of the problem, of course, is that I’m just downright grateful every time the phone does ring or a project populates my inbox.  I am a freelancer.  We can be a needy bunch, panicking the moment it seems we might not be called upon.  Each job from a client (especially repeat or word-of-mouth clients) is a stroke to my precarious professional ego which swings between “darn-tootin’ I’m good” and surfing the ‘net for remedial grammar classes.

 Another contributor to the problem is that I can always think of something to do with the money.  You know, the money I wait months for, after staying up 16 hours straight and eating grapes and taquitos at my desk in order to finish that last-minute job on time.  There are trips to see family, dinners with kids, home repairs, bills and sundry other valid ways to watch money wink at my bank account on its way through.

Maybe it’s not masochism at all.  Maybe it’s the fact that I enjoy my job and sometimes I think it should be more like work and less like a great big jigsaw puzzle made of words and syntax and conjugations that I get to play with.  

Whatever the reason, I thought the other night that help was on the way.  In the wee hours of oh-dark-thirty, I was using Dragon to dictate a draft translation.  As I proofread the document later, the words popped out at me: “...the extra dude shall...”

I have an extra dude? Where? And does he do windows?

On closer inspection, it seemed Dragon had taken liberties with “...the extrajudicial...”  It made me smile. Technology is not always compatible with the vagaries of human speech.

It’s not the first time electronic aides have pulled a prank on me. The worst was just a few months ago. It was about 3 a.m. and I had put in nearly 20 straight hours on an enormous technical translation.  The approaching dawn would bring a phone call from the chair of the hastily-called meeting for which they needed the document that was still on my screen.  Somewhere in the back of my brain, I remembered an article I’d read recently in a trade magazine. It talked about using machine translation to create drafts when doing technical work.  I had my doubts: machine translation usually only works to confuse the issue.

But it was 3 a.m. and I was exhausted.  I plugged in a couple of paragraphs of technical text and clicked the “translate” button.  Then I cut the resulting English text and pasted it into my document to proofread.

There, in large, bold letters was the section header in English, courtesy of a piece of software. The translation was not correct. 

In fact, it was obscene. 

I mean, truly obscene – some married people I know would be too embarrassed to even discuss what my computer screen was suggesting at that very moment.  It was so unexpected and so terribly, hilariously off base that I sat there at my desk, in the wee hours of the night, and laughed like a hyena.

I have never used machine translated drafts again.  It’s back to the old standards for me, with the occasional boost from memory software and my faithful Dragon.  Someday, maybe I shall learn to quell my inner neuroses and better organize my time.  Maybe I shall put down my computer mouse and take a walk down to the pond just because it’s there. Or sit on a porch and gaze at nothing in particular.

And maybe, someday, Dragon really will send the extra dude who shall.   

And if he does floors as well as windows, then maybe I shall, too. 

1 comment:

  1. It is not inconceivable to imagine that the extra dude shall hereinafter be blamed for not attending to the vacuum cleaner. ;)

    So glad to have found your blog - I did not know you had one!
